ALSOWISE: A different take, a different app
Welcome to ALSOWISE®.
Over the last six decades parents in India, and in much of the rest of the world, have focused their children’s attention on achieving a degree of aptitude in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics). This has resulted in many desirable outcomes for the aggregate population, including rapid industrial employment, a widespread rise in wages, and the pervasive use of technology that has improved our lives in many ways.
Academic aptitude, however, is only one of the cornerstones of personal achievement. In fact, a dexterity with numbers and linguistic proficiency are, more often than not, the most visible hallmarks of confidence, leadership and success. And while countless generations of parents have spent a fortune on gearing their children to gain admission in prestigious engineering and medical colleges, the focus on both verbal and written communication has fallen by the wayside.
This is a deficit which ALSOWISE® attempts to bridge.
We believe that a strong foundation in the English language is a prerequisite for success, first as a student and then as a professional – be it in the Indian subcontinent or elsewhere, as in the US, Canada, the British Isles, Western Europe, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, and much of Africa. As the global economy shifts towards a model that sets great store by ideas and inventions, and puts a premium on non-commoditised skills, the ability to express arguments and opinions clearly, eloquently and powerfully – both verbally and in writing – assumes greater importance.
Rather than promoting study material which is often forgotten after the examination, however, ALSOWISE® concentrates on the fundamentals of English grammar and vocabulary development while also honing the child’s reading and comprehension skills. We strongly believe that these are essential life skills which will not only help the child to communicate more confidently and eloquently but will also help them to develop greater cognitive and reasoning skills.
ALSOWISE® targets the Middle-Schooler and the junior High-Schooler, as we believe that it is in these years that the foundations are laid for higher education. Middle School represents a relatively carefree time in the lives of students, a period when they are not unnecessarily burdened with the onerous task of preparing for board or competitive examinations. Furthermore, building and reinforcing linguistic confidence early on usually results in a lifelong confidence that positively affects career trajectory.
The ALSOWISE® Programme is built around gently-paced but periodic learning that is meant to be fun and educational. As such, it swaps out the technicalities of grammar and verb usage in favour of simple rules, but maintains the essential nature of language as a distinct, non-visual medium. The Programme has three levels – Emerging, Consolidating and Advanced – and may stretch from 15 to 30 weeks (depending on your child’s age and proficiency level), but demands only 75 – 90 minutes of his or her time per week.
Each week your child will be exposed to:
- One in-depth Topical or General Language lesson
- One customized comprehensive Assessment Quiz associated with the lesson
- One ReadAlong™, a carefully written original essay or curated extract of fiction or non-fiction, to drive the habit of reading for both pleasure, comprehension and retention
Most importantly, all content is read out to the child, so that the nuances of pronunciation, enunciation and voice modulation are subliminally imparted while the child also reads the scripted material on his or her device.
This is why we are confident that, regardless of your child’s current proficiency level, he or she will emerge from the programme better informed, more adept and considerably more confident about the English language. This is the first and most permanent step in becoming a skilled communicator. We believe that it is this new-found confidence in themselves that will prove an inflection point which will impel them upon a successful growth path in the days and years to come.
Once again, welcome to ALSOWISE®: the English learning app that may make a real difference to your child’s future.