Greetings from ALSOWISE®!
Last week’s blog spanned a number of themes:
- That parents concentrate on STEM coaching for their children while ignoring language skills.
- That English is the global language of business and academics today, and that fluency in the language is a necessary prerequisite for success.
- That ALSOWISE® engages middle and high school students through comprehensible Lessons focused on grammar, vocabular and reading comprehension.
- That these Lessons are gently paced, allowing the student to determine the pace of each lesson, in order to acquire mastery of a lifeskill.
- That the ALSOWISE® Programme has three levels: Emerging, Consolidating and Advanced that continue for 15 – 30 weeks. These tiers cater to the varying levels of proficiency determined by the student’s performance in the FREE Diagnostic Quiz.
- And that regardless of level, the ALSOWISE® Programme demands only 75 – 90 minutes of your child’s time per week.
This week we want to reassure you that the registration process (whether for yourself as a parent or for your child/children) is a simple process which takes no more than two minutes of your time.
The moment you have registered your child, you are prompted to encourage your child/ children to take the FREE Diagnostic Quiz (which should take no more that 12-15 minutes of his/her/ their time). Immediately your child completes the Diagnostic Quiz, you, the Parent, receive an analysis of his/ her/ their performance and a Programme level recommendation based on how they fared.
In fact the website (https://alsowise.com) also has a short video to guide you through the process, should you need it. This video can be found on the “How It Works” page.
You may also sample the FREE Demo app from the main menu. The Demo app gives you access to three sample Lessons, three Assessment Quizzes and three sample ReadAlongs that both you and your child may enjoy until you are ready to enrol in an ALSOWISE® Programme based on our recommendation.
Regardless of the programme offered to your child, rest assured that ALSOWISE® is extremely affordable, with the opportunity to opt for a one time/lumpsum payment which offers a substantial saving over the EMI payment option, which, in turn, call for a small and affordable monthly payment over the duration of the programme.
Please visit the “Pricing and Payment” page on the website for additional details.
So what are you waiting for? Invest in your child’s future and enable their success by enrolling them in ALSOWISE®TODAY!