We are very happy to announce the launch of the ALSOWISE® Fun Page on our website https://alsowise.com. We believe that puzzles and riddles are part and parcel of the learning experience and nowhere is this more important than with a language, the rules and nuances of which are best demonstrated and reinforced through some form of enjoyable experience.
The ALSOWISE® Fun Page (https://alsowise.com/fun) seeks to do just this. By designing word puzzles that are not age specific, we hope to provide a few minutes light and enjoyable mental stimulation each week to both children and adults.
Every Wednesday, we will provide a weekday WordWise, a word puzzle that challenges your knowledge of vocabulary and general word usage by asking you to decode a word whose letters are represented by blanks. The rules are simple:
- You will be provided with a clue and need to guess the answer one letter at a time. You will be provided 6 “lives” to do this.
- Each time you suggest a correct letter, a blank or several blanks (if the letter appears more than once) will be filled in.
- Each time you guess incorrectly, you lose one “life”.
- When you have only 2 “lives” remaining, the system will generate a clue to help you solve the puzzle.
And you can share your results with your friends and family via WhatsApp and other digital media!
Every Saturday, we will provide a weekend CrossWise, a crossword puzzle that challenges your grasp of both grammar and vocabulary by asking you to respond to up to 6 clues. The rules are simple:
- Respond to the clues one at a time
- Take care to answer horizontally (Across) or vertically (Down) based on the clue provided
- When you are done, press SUBMIT to see if your answers were correct
Note that we will create a leader board of the first 10 correct entries every week! For a chance to appear on the leader board, please provide us your name (when prompted) after you submit a correct entry.
So go ahead and enjoy yourself. Remember to like and share.
We’d love to hear from you. Please visit the “Contact Us” page on the website(https://alsowise.com/contact) to let us know what you think.
Have fun!
The Team at ALSOWISE®