Reading can give you the knowledge and confidence to acquire new expertise
Many decades ago, when I was in ninth grade, I enjoyed the privilege of being taught mathematics by a teacher who was knowledgeable, eloquent, thorough, and passionate. When he introduced a new topic, he always brought several interesting analogies to our attention that immediately set the right expectations for the rest of the module, while clearly delineating the significance of the subject matter that we were to study for the next few weeks.
He was strict enough – exhibiting a token insistence on a modicum of discipline, and a fanatical emphasis on understanding a concept rather than recognising a pattern – but liberal enough to appreciate that different students learnt at their own pace, or not at all if the circumstances were not right. He was also extremely well-read – a fact he wore lightly and used only to make students laugh – and found time to coach the school debating and public speaking teams. My most abiding memories of this man centred on his easy confidence, his unassailable expertise in anything he put his hand to, and his ability to communicate within and outside the classroom.
It was only two decades later, when I went to pay my condolences to his widow shortly after his death, that I was informed – to my utter surprise – that he had never been a trained mathematician. He had never even tried to acquire a degree in the subject. He had, in fact, begun life as an English tutor but, by dint of hard work and his special ability to read critically, retain information and knowledge, and put all this to the test in practice, he had grown in proficiency and confidence in the space of only a few years to become a senior teacher in mathematics!
This reminiscence exemplifies the power of reading: its special ability to empower you to acquire new knowledge and competencies required to up-skill or re-skill. In today’s world, where professional and personal priorities make location-based and time-bound training onerous and impracticable, the importance of being able to imbibe knowledge, information and new skills by setting your own reading and learning pace is extremely critical.
If you feel that you lack this skill, it’s never too late to become a skilled reader. It takes a little dedication and time. But it’s an investment that is guaranteed to pay rich dividends.
With ALSOWISE® you can hone your reading skills while:
- Setting your own pace
- Choosing topics of interest
- Using your own device
How does the ALSOWISE® Programme enable you to acquire this skill?
The ALSOWISE® Programme is designed to enhance proficiency in the English language, with a critical emphasis on honing reading and analytical skills.
The programme leverages technology to encourage reading, in which users are made to listen, read, and test their unaided recall – through our carefully developed ReadAlongs – on a mobile device of their choice. This goes a long way in developing reading as a skill and as a strength.
It is never too late to learn and hone this valuable skill. So, if you’re looking to improve your English reading and communication skills with a view to standing out in a crowded field, and getting ahead in your career:
- Download the ALSOWISE® app today.
- Register immediately – the process is quick and simple.
- Sample the FREE Demo and discover for yourself that ALSOWISE® is the English language enhancement app that you were looking for.