The importance of Reading

Alsowise |

29 Sep, 2023

For centuries, a person was considered educated if they had a command of the three “Rs”: Reading, (W)riting and (A)rithmetic. These three skills are, in a broad sense, as important as ever. And yet, for several reasons, Reading and Writing have fallen by the wayside, while STEM subjects and others – notably economics, data science, and coding – have captured the popular imagination to the exclusion of all else.

The art of Reading, however, is a quintessential tool for a person looking to make real progress in any field of knowledge. At a juncture when the onslaught of social media has reduced human attention spans to mere seconds (some would conjecture that sparrows can retain spatial patterns for longer) those imbued with the skill of Reading have the innate ability to concentrate for long enough to be able to grab information in significantly larger bites, make sense of it, and consequently retain it.

While the necessity to be a skilled reader is obvious in the field of academics, it is, perhaps, every bit as important in the business world. The entrepreneur or manager of today is compelled to peruse various documents and proposals daily. These can vary from a single page to sundry dozens of pages. A person needs to be capable of scanning a document, quickly recognising the most salient points, and connecting the dots between them, in order to make the most effective use of his or her working day. On the other hand, a person who is not a skilled reader will spend hours poring over every document to cross his or her desk and not make satisfactory progress at all. And the longer one takes, the less likely one is to understand, analyse, or come to an optimal decision.

If you feel that you lack this skill, it’s never too late to become a skilled reader. It takes a little dedication and time. But it’s an investment that is guaranteed to pay rich dividends.

With ALSOWISE® you can hone your reading skills while:

  • Setting your own pace
  • Choosing topics of interest
  • Using your own device

How does the ALSOWISE® Programme enable you to acquire this skill?

The ALSOWISE® Programme is designed to enhance proficiency in the English language, with a critical emphasis on honing reading and analytical skills.

The programme leverages technology to encourage reading, in which users are made to listen, read, and test their unaided recall – through our carefully developed ReadAlongs – on a mobile device of their choice. This goes a long way in developing reading as a skill and as a strength.

It is never too late to learn and hone this valuable skill. So, if you’re looking to improve your English reading and communication skills with a view to standing out in a crowded field, and getting ahead in your career:

  1. Download the ALSOWISE® app today.
  2. Register immediately – the process is quick and simple.
  3. Sample the FREE Demo and discover for yourself that ALSOWISE® is the English language enhancement app that you were looking for.



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